Informal leadership emergence in workplace: Conceptualization and measurement |
LIU Bo1,2, GAO Riguang2 |
1 School of Foreign Language Studies, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045; 2 School of Business Administration, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330032 |
Abstract The emergence of informal leadership is a phenomenon in which individuals in the workplace are able to exert leader-like influence on their peers even without formal authority. As a complement to formal leadership, informal leadership emergence has become a frontier topic of research in recent years as it helps organizations meet the challenges of continuous development and technological changes. In this paper, we systemically review and analyze the recent domestic and international theoretical and empirical research on the concept, and measurement of leadership emergence. Future research needs to develop a universal scale with good reliability and validity, and should guarantee the congruence between the concept of leadership emergence and the subject, content, and scope of the measurement.
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