Influence of clean-dirty priming on the processing of negative moral emotion words: Perspective of embodied metaphor |
DING Fengqin, WANG Xiaofang |
School of Education, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021 |
Abstract Based on the perspective of embodied metaphor, two experiments of this study, both of them were stroop sentence priming paradigms, were conducted to investigate the effects of environment and self clean-dirty priming on the processing of negative moral emotion words. (1)The results of experiment 1 showed that participants processed negative moral emotion words faster after environment dirty priming than environment clean priming. (2)The results of experiment 2 revealed that participants processed negative moral emotion words quicker after self dirty priming than self clean priming. (3)The comparative analysis of the outcomes of these two experiments found that self-dirty priming, compared with environment dirty priming, significantly accelerated the response time of negative moral emotion words, which mainly manifested in shame, guilt and embarrassment. The above results indicate that individuals’ dirty experiences from environment and self are metaphorically associated with the concepts of negative moral emotion. In addition, people react the concept words of negative moral emotion faster under the prime of self dirty.
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