The past, present, and future of Chinese people: Based on time psychology |
HAO Haiping, LYU Houchao, HUANG Xiting |
Faculty of Psychology, Time Psychology Research Center, Chinese Community Psychology Service and Research Center, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715 |
Abstract The present research systematically summarized the Chinese people’s time orientation which was also called time perspective and the relationship between the Chinese people’s time orientation and mental health and behavior habits. By sorting out the Chinese people's time orientation including past orientation, present orientation, and future orientation, the characteristics of Chinese people's time perspective were put forward, that is, never forget why you started (past orientation), based on the present (present orientation) and looking forward to the future (future orientation). Past orientation, present orientation, and future orientation all had a dual impact on mental health and behavioral habits (positive or negative). Past positive and future orientation were significantly positively correlated with positive emotions, subjective well-being, the meaning of life, and healthy living habits, and were potential protective factors for mental health and healthy living habits; Present hedonistic was significantly positively correlated with subjective well-being and life satisfaction, was a potential protective factor for mental health; Present fatalistic was significantly positively correlated with pessimism and negative emotions, and was a risk factor for psychological problems; Present orientation and addictive behavior were significantly positively related, and it was a risk factor for bad lifestyle habits; Past negative significantly negatively correlated with mental health and good living habits, and was a risk factor for psychological problems and bad living habits. Only the positive combination of past orientation, present orientation, and future orientation, that is, the combination of past positive, present hedonistic, and future orientation, was also known as balanced time perspective and was the best predictor of mental health and healthy lifestyle habits. Balanced time perspective was a potential protective factor for mental health and healthy living habits. Finally, Chinese people’s time perspective was a balance of time perspective, that is, a combination of past positive, present hedonistic, and future orientation. In summary, the past, present, and future jointly determined the individual’s psychology and behavior. Never forget why you started was the source of national identity and self-identity; based on the present to provide nutrients for life; looking forward to the future giving individuals the wings to soar.
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