The impact of accent on listener's attitude and behavior towards speaker and its mechanisms |
ZHANG Shuyue1,2,3, ZHAO Feng1, HUANG Junqing1, TANG Wengqing1,2,3 |
1 Faculty of Education, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006; 2 Guangxi University and College Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Applied Psychology, Guangxi Normal University,Guilin 541006; 3 Guangxi Ethnic Education Development Research Center, Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences in Guangxi Universities, Guilin 541006 |
Abstract The present study aimed to explore the influence of accent on speakers and its mechanisms in Chinese culture. After participants listened to the recordings of "Guilin Landscape" (excerpts) in accented Mandarin and Standard Mandarin, they were asked to fill out the Accent Attitude Questionnaire and the Speech Evaluation Instrument, then chose anyone of speakers in the recordings as their supposed game partners. The results showed that: (1) The participants rated accented speakers more negatively than the standard speaker. (2) Attitude towards accent played a mediation role in the process of rating the accented speaker upon listening to the recordings, and 64% of the effects of accent variety on attitude towards speaker were mediated by accent towards accent. (3) Most of the participants (85.71%) tended to choose the standard speaker as their game partner. Further more, attitude toward a speaker was a mediator for accent variety and listeners' behaviors towards that speaker. (4) A chain mediation effect of attitude towards accent and speaker between accent variety and listeners' behaviors towards speaker was found.
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