Relation between identity and life and study satisfaction in pre-service elementaryschool teachers: The mediating role of meaning in life |
ZHOU Guangya1, WANG Enguo2, WANG Minghui2 |
1. College of Education, Anyang Normal University, Anyang 455000; 2. School of Psychology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract To explore the relation between identity and life and study satisfaction in pre-service elementary school teachers, and the mediating role of meaning in life in such relationship, 650 tuition-free normal students from four cities in Henan provinces completed questionnaire survey. The results showed identity was positively correlated with meaning in life, life and study satisfaction, and identity positively predicted the variation of meaning in life, life and study satisfaction; Meaning in life was positively correlated with life and study satisfaction, and meaning in life positively predicted the variation of life and study satisfaction; Meaning in life had parital mediating effects on the relation between identity and life and study satisfaction, and the mediation effect accounted for 39.85% and 42.24% of the total effect respectively.
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