Commemoration of Bandura,s discovery of social learning theory ——A review based on the mathematical principle of psychology |
GAO Chuang, MA Anran, DE Li Da Er |
School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 |
Abstract Based on the theory of the mathematical principle of psychology, this paper reviewed the contribution of psychologist Bandura from the learning content, learning process, learning influencing factors, learning core function and learning results: He discovered the “observational learning” baby doll experiment, which constituted a complete set of “learning” experiment together with the behavioral animal experiment; He constructed phenomenology of learning: the cognitive process of learning and observation of learning materials (social learning theory), the evaluation of self-evaluation feedback in the learning process (self-efficacy theory, self-regulation theory), the interaction between learners and the physical world (determinism theory). This paper is intended to honor Mr. Bandura,s discovery.
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