The relationship between tolerant-understanding rearing styles and academic grit quality of middle school students: The mediating effect of academic interest and sense of academic meaning |
LI Xiaona1,2, LI Xioahua1, LIU Huashan2, GONG Shaoying2 |
1 School of Education, Long Dong University, Qingyang 745000; 2 School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 |
Abstract Based on the perspective of positive psychology, this study intends to explore the relationship between tolerant-understanding rearing style, academic interest, sense of academic meaning and the development of middle school students' grit, and the mechanism of academic interest and sense of academic meaning in the relationship between tolerant understanding rearing style and grit quality. A sample of 2101 middle school students was recruited for the survey research. Results showed the following: Tolerance-understanding rearing style, academic interest, academic sense of meaning and academic grit quality were significantly positive correlation; Academic interest and sense of academic meaning played significant mediating role between the tolerant understanding of the parenting style and the academic girt quality of middle school students, including three specific pathways: the separate mediation effect of academic interest and academic sense of significance, and the serial mediation effect of academic interest and academic sense of significance. This study reveals that tolerance-understanding rearing style can promote the development of middle school students’ academic interest and sense of academic meaning, and thus improve their academic grit quality. The conclusion of the study had important reference value for intervening and enhancing the middle school students’ academic grit quality.
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