The influence of musical training experience on loudness SMARC effect |
CHEN Yutian, CHEN Rui, LI Peng, ZHANG Shuqi, CHEN Qiyi |
Faculty of Education, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500 |
Abstract This study aimed to investigate the influence of musical training experience on the SMARC effect of individuals in horizontal, vertical, and near/far directions. A set of materials with crescendo or decreasing loudness from a drum set were adopted in this study. Results showed that, compared with the subjects without music training experience, subjects under music training experience performed longer fixation duration to the far distance with the gradually decreasing loudness, and have an advantage in response to the near position when under the gradually crescendo loudness. However, there was no significant difference between the two groups in the horizontal and vertical orientation. This study revealed that music training experience can promote the formation of loudness SMARC effect in the far and near spatial orientation of individuals.
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