The effect of nostalgia on intertemporal decision-making:The moderating role of self-continuity |
ZHAO Na, QIN Xuezhe, LIU Beikun |
School of Sociology and Psychology, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081 |
Abstract In this paper, three studies were conducted to explore how nostalgia affects intertemporal decision-making and the moderating role of self-continuity. In study 1, questionnaire method was used to find a significant positive correlation between individual nostalgia proneness and savings intention. In study 2, we used the experimental method to prime the individual’s nostalgic emotion, and verified again that nostalgia can enhance the long-term preference in intertemporal decision-making. In study 3, we further explored the moderating effect of self-continuity in the impact of nostalgia on intertemporal decision-making, and found that nostalgia could enhance the long-term preference of intertemporal decision-making for individuals with low self-continuity. For individuals with high self-continuity, nostalgia could enhance the short-term preference of intertemporal decision-making. This paper not only enriches the empirical research results of nostalgia affecting individual behavior, but also provides a new perspective for future intertemporal decision-making research.
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