Relationship between negative life events and emotional eating in college students:The mediating effect of self-control and moderating effect of self-esteem |
BU Nanyin1, LI Zuoshan1,2, ZHU Xiaodan3 |
1 Key Laboratory of Applied Psychology, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331; 2 College of Teacher Education, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331; 3 Academy of Public Art, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing 400053 |
Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between negative life events and emotional eating in college students, as well as the mediating role of self-control and the moderating role of self-esteem. The adolescent self-rating life events checklist, Dutch eating behavior questionnaire, self-control scale, and self-esteem scale were used to investigate 1190 college students. The results showed that: (1) Negative life events had a significant positive predictive effect on emotional eating; (2) Self-control played a partial mediating role between negative life events and emotional eating; (3) Self-esteem could moderate the influence of self-control and emotional eating. With the increase of self-esteem, the predictive effect of self-control on emotional eating gradually weakened. The research results are of great significance for correcting the bad coping styles of college students and helping them establish a positive and healthy diet concept.
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