The mechanism of spontaneous perspective taking in the socially interactive context |
FAN Ruolin1, ZHAO Yihan2, XU Guiping2 |
1 Department of Applied Psychology, Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou 510521; 2 College of Chinese Language and Culture, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510610 |
Abstract Two experiments were designed to explore the necessary conditions for spontaneous perspective-taking and its features in a negative interactive context. Experiment 1 found that only when developing self-other perspective association, can participants with a similar prior experience take the other negative social role's perspective spontaneously, holding a lower negative implicit attitude to this role. Experiment 2 further proved that the delayed similar experience acquired by the “experiencing the other side” paradigm also could facilitate spontaneous social perspective-taking. And this process could help participants reduce the negative implicit attitude toward the negative social role. Thus, self-other perspective association and similar experiences could affect spontaneous perspective-taking together. In addition, in both experiments, there are higher scores of self-reported perspective-taking among people with a similar experience who have built the perspective association, no matter when they obtain the experience. This outcome means that the process of social perspective-taking is spontaneous but not automatic.
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