The effect of physical activity on social adjustment in adolescents: A serial mediation model and the gender differences |
SUN Qifei, JIAO Luying, ZHANG Guoli |
College of Psychology, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084 |
Abstract This study investigated the effects of physical activity on adolescent social adjustment using the Physical Activity Rating Scale (PARS-3), the Subjective Exercise Experience Scale (SEES), the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ), and the Assessment of Adolescent Social Adjustment Status Questionnaire (ASAAS) in 453 secondary school students. The results showed that the physical activity and exercise experienced well-being of boys were significantly higher than that of girls. The exercise experienced well-being, body self-esteem and social adjustment of adolescents with high physical activity level were significantly higher than those with low physical activity level. Exercise experienced well-being and body esteem played a chain mediating role in physical activity and adolescents’ social adjustment. There was gender difference in the chain mediation model of promoting effect of adolescent physical activity on social adjustment, the path of physical activity → body self-esteem → social adjustment was significant in girls, but not in boys. This study reveals the mechanism of the effect of physical activity on adolescents’ social adjustment, which has reference value for the integration of sports and education.
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