The relationship between class environment and academic stress in high school students: A moderated mediation model |
LU Yuning, LUO Pinchao |
School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631 |
Abstract In order to explore the relationship and the underlying mechanism between class environment and academic stress of senior high school students, the present study constructed a moderated mediation model by questionnaire survey method with a sample of 870 senior high school students. The results showed that: (1) Teacher-student relationship, classmates’ relationship in class environment negatively predicted academic stress, while competition and academic burden in class environment positively predicted academic stress. (2) The comparative orientation and self-deprecation of academic social comparison played a mediating role between class competition and academic stress. (3) Self-concept clarity moderated the first half of the mediating model of “class competition → comparative orientation → academic stress” and the first half of the mediating model of “class competition → self- deprecation → academic stress”. Conclusion: Class competition predicted academic stress through academic social comparative orientation and self-deprecation, and self-concept clarity regulated the mediating role of comparative orientation and self-deprecation.
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