College students’ loneliness and problematic social networking sites use:Chain mediation of social self-efficacy and social anxiety |
SUN Liuqi1, ZHANG Chenjing2, ZHANG Zhiyun1, LI Chengyan2 |
1 School of Education, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200030; 2 School of Philosophy, Law & Political Science, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200030 |
Abstract We discussed the influence of college students’ loneliness on the use of problematic social networking sites based on 544 college students from Shanghai. The results showed that loneliness positively predicted problematic social networking sites use. Meanwhile, loneliness also positively predicted social anxiety and negatively predicted social self-efficacy. In addition, college students with higher social anxiety have lower social self-efficacy and more serious use of problematic social networking sites,that is social anxiety and social self-efficacy play a chain mediating role between loneliness and problematic social networking sites use.
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