The tradeoff of moral self and self-interest preference in social decision making:An examination based on the theory of self-concept maintenance and the moral threshold model |
WANG Xiuxin1, LIU Yongfang2 |
1 School of Psychology, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165; 2 School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 |
Abstract This paper investigates how people balance their moral self and self-interest preferences when making social decisions, drawing on the theory of self-concept maintenance, the moral threshold model, and relevant research findings. It proposes that individuals seek a balance between self-interest preferences and moral self, thereby exhibiting a behavioral pattern characterized by minor transgressions and minor acts of kindness. While individuals may encounter threats to their moral self, the existence of a moral threshold enables them to maintain a high regard for their moral self. Future research can further work within this balancing framework to enhance and refine our understanding of social decision-making.
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