Effect of covered cues on time-based prospective memory |
WANG Yinya1, YU Hongna2, REN Zhi1,3, WANG Lijuan1 |
1 School of Psychology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024; 2 Department of Psychology, Jilin University, Changchun 130012; 3 Department of Psychology, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211 |
Abstract In this study, to further understand the processes of time-based prospective memory, three experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of invisible cues on time-based prospective memory from different perspectives. The purpose of Experiment 1A was to investigate the performance differences of time-based prospective memory under different ongoing task cue conditions; Experiment 1B aimed to examine the effects of cues in different interference task conditions on time-based prospective memory; Experiment 2 aimed to examine the effects of different cues from embed prospective memory task and ongoing task on time-based prospective memory. The results showed that: (1) Effective covert cues could promote time-based prospective performance. For covert cues suggesting the retrospective component of time-based prospective memory, the temporal cues which either hidden in the ongoing task or in the interfered task, significantly improved the performance of time-based prospective memory. (2) Cues appearing in the ongoing task could improve the performance of time-based prospective memory more than in the interfered task, indicating that the closer the cue was to the target time, the greater the facilitation effect was. (3) Cues of time-based prospective memory tasks could promote the performance of time-based prospective memory, while those of event-based prospective memory tasks could not. Our study supports the random walk model.
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