Visionary leadership and interpersonal helping behavior: The mediating role of organizational psychological ownership and the moderating role promotion focus |
CHEN Xiao, ZHANG Huiying, XIE Jun |
School of Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510006 |
Abstract Leaders tend to consider vision communication as a crucial tool to motivate employees towards achieving organizational goals. Previous research has explored the motivational effect of visionary leadership on followers’ goal pursuit. However, the impact of visionary leadership on employees’ interpersonal helping behavior remains unknown. This study applied psychological ownership theory and regulatory fit theory to analyze a three-wave data of 347 employees in organizations, aiming to examine the effect of visionary leadership on employees’ interpersonal helping. The findings indicated that visionary leadership was positively associated with interpersonal helping, and organizational psychological ownership mediated this relationship. Moreover, employees’ promotion focus strengthened the positive relationship between visionary leadership and organizational psychological ownership.
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