The brain mechanism of neuroticism's influence on cognitive reappraisal |
YANG Junyi, LI Peiying, ZHAO Pengyu |
School of Education, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000 |
Abstract Objective: cognitive reappraisal is the most common and effective emotion regulation strategy, which can effectively reduce the negative emotion. Neuroticism, as a stable emotion related personality trait, has been proved to be negatively correlated with cognitive reappraisal ability. However, it is not clear why highly neurotic individuals have poor cognitive reappraisal ability. Methods: using the classic paradigm of cognitive reappraisal, we collected a large sample (n = 160) of task state MRI data to explore the brain mechanism between neurotic personality and cognitive reappraisal. Results: In the cognitive reappraisal task, the score of cognitive reappraisal ability was negatively correlated with the score of neurotic personality. MRI results showed that the activation intensity of medial prefrontal cortex, inferior frontal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus decreased in individuals with high neuroticism score, and the activation intensity of medial prefrontal cortex, inferior frontal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus played a partial mediating role in the relationship between neuroticism personality and cognitive reappraisal ability. Conclusion: In the cognitive reappraisal task, the individuals with high neuroticism may affect the cognitive reappraisal ability by affecting the activation level of some brain regions (medial prefrontal lobe, inferior frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus).
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