The changes in Chinese college students’ life satisfaction level and its influencing factors |
PENG Haiyun1, LI Ning1,2, WANG Jinrui1, QIU Fanshuo1, XIN Sufei1 |
1 School of Educational Science, Ludong University, Yantai 264025; 2 School of Psychology, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830017 |
Abstract To explore the change in life satisfaction level of college students and its influencing factors, data from 55 papers were analyzed using the method of cross-temporal meta-analysis. The reporting data were collected between 2004 and 2019 (N=34183), applying “Life Satisfaction Scales Applicable to Chinese Adolescent Students”. Results showed that: (1) The average scores of the life satisfaction had positive correlations with the year significantly, which indicated that the life satisfaction level of college students increased gradually over the past years. (2) Five macro social indicators in three aspects including the socioeconomic conditions, status of higher education and employment environment were key predictive factors for the increase in college students’ life satisfaction level.
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