The influence of inclusive supervisor on graduate students’ research creativity:The mediating effect of cognitive flexibility and the moderating effect of openness to experience |
ZHANG Junwei1, TANG Jiao1, XIE Kun2, ZHANG Yajun3 |
1 School of Management, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510520; 2 School of Economics and Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070; 3 School of Business Administration, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang 550025 |
Abstract In order to motivate graduate students’ research creativity, the study explored the effect of inclusive supervisor on graduate students’ research creativity. Prior research had drawn from creative self-efficacy and failure inclusion climate to explicate how inclusive leadership affects employees. Based on a new perspective—cognitive flexibility, our study investigated the association between inclusive supervisor and graduate students’ research creativity, and explored the mediating role of cognitive flexibility and the moderating effect of openness to experience. We used questionnaire surveys to obtain the valid data of 347 graduate students and their peers. Results revealed that there was a positive relationship between inclusive supervisor and graduate students’ research creativity and such an association was mediated by cognitive flexibility after controlling for creative self-efficacy and failure inclusion climate. Furthermore, openness to experience attenuated the effect of inclusive supervisor on cognitive flexibility, such that the positive relationship was weaker when openness to experience was high than when it was low. Ultimately, openness to experience mitigated the indirect effect of inclusive supervisor on research creativity via cognitive flexibility, such that the indirect effect was weaker when openness to experience was high than when it was low.
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