Evolution, antecedents and consequences of cognitive complexity |
GUO Wei1,2, DUAN Jinyun1, SHI Lixiaoyun1 |
1 School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062; 2 School of Psychology, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830017 |
Abstract Cognitive complexity refers to the degree of individual complex thinking, which is the basis and mapping of our understanding of the external world. This paper divided the development of cognitive complexity research into two stages: differentiation, differentiation and integration. To deepen the academic understanding of cognitive complexity, the paper also introduced some assessment tools of cognitive complexity on the two stages, the factors influencing cognitive complexity, and the effects of cognitive complexity on individuals. Future research should employ the concept and assessments of cognitive complexity appropriately, furtherly explore its consequences and corresponding mechanisms, and extend cognitive complexity research to various fields.
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