Review on effort reward imbalance model: Development and application |
ZHANG Manting, LIANG Weiting, WANG Wei, LI Yongxin |
Institute of Psychology & Behavior, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract The effort reward imbalance model is one of the widely used work stress models. Based on the social exchange theory, this model discusses the impact of the effort-reward imbalance on the stressful consequences and its mechanism. After two adjustments, it forms a relatively complete theoretical system, which provides a new theoretical perspective for the study of the relationship between work and health. Scholars have carried out a series of empirical studies based on the model, and introduced new mediating variables and moderating variables, thus gradually extending its scope of application from industrial and commercial and medical health related fields to a relatively wide range of occupational and social life fields. Future research should focus on the direct impact of effort, reward and over-commitment on the stressful consequences on the basis of emphasizing the effort-reward imbalance; To investigate the conceptual overlap and distinction between over-commitment and other psychological variables that represent differences between individuals, and then introduce more moderating variables to enrich the theoretical system of the model; Subdivide the different dimensions of effort and reward, and investigate the impact of different types of pay return imbalances on the stress consequences and their mechanisms.
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