The relationship between future self-continuity and self-control:A moderated mediation model |
ZHANG Xinyue1, GAO Xu2 |
1 School of Economics and Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001; 2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 |
Abstract In order to explore the influencing mechanism of future self-continuity on self-control, 853 young people were surveyed. The results showed that: (1) Future self-continuity, self-control, physical exercise, and subjective social class were positively correlated with each other;(2) Physical exercise played a mediating role in the influence of future self-continuity on self-control; (3) Subjective social status moderated the effect of future self-continuity on self-control, and future self-continuity could directly and positively predict self-control only at high subjective social status condition; (4) Subjective social status could moderate the influence of physical exercise on self-control. With the increase of subjective social status, the positive predictive effect of physical exercise on self-control decreased gradually. In conclusion, future self-continuity had significant effects on self-control through the mediating role of physical exercise and the moderating role of subjective social status.
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