Reliability and validity test of Chinese Grasmick’s Self-Control Scale across multiple samples of offenders |
YANG Xuefeng1, YANG Mingmei2 |
1 Department of Fundamentals of Public Security, Criminal Investigation Police University of China, Shenyang 110035; 2 Department of Sociology, University of Macau, Macau 999078 |
Abstract In order to ameliorate indigenous researches of the self-control theory, the measurement qualities such as reliability and construct validity of the Chinese Grasmick’s scale were examined across four samples of offenders with overall size of 1219. It was found that classical tests such as internal consistency index and exploratory factor analysis seemed to confirm the scale with good reliability and first-order unidimensional structure, however, the confirmatory factor analysis suggested that only under the second-order measurement model could the unidimensional hypothesis be empirically supported; Moreover, multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the second-order single factorial model of the revised Chinese Grasmick’s scale, which only consists of 18 items instead of the original 24 items, satisfied both factor structure and factor loading invariance hypotheses. In conclusion, upon using the Chinese Grasmick’s scale in indigenous context, the simple adding-up method should not be continued, and instead the second-order single-factor measurement model should be constructed from the revised 18-item Chinese Grasmick’s scale.
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