From “subperson” to “avatar”: The theoretical space of metacosmic energization to enactive cognitive paradigm methodology |
ZHOU Zhuozhao1,2, SHI Zifu1 |
1 School of Education and Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 41000; 2 Hainan Provincial Health Commission, Haikou 570000 |
Abstract As a new comprehensive concept of science and technology, the universe has swept the world. It has brought tremendous changes to cognitive science and other fields. At the same time, its theoretical and application advantages are emerging independently. Can the meta universe be combined with enactive cognition to promote the new generation of cognitive science research paradigm? Does it mean that the era of the first generation of cognitive science will be completely ended in the way of virtual reality symbiosis in the future, so as to enter the era of artificial intelligence research? What are the shortcomings of virtual reality symbiosis technology that cannot be realized? Where will cognitive psychology go in the future? Obviously, the "avatar" image created by the meta universe does not meet the demands of psychological cognitive subjects. Starting from the theoretical propositions that criticized the paradigms of mentalism, cognitivism, behaviorism, etc. For more than one hundred years, psychology is developing towards the direction of human being constructed by Marxist concept of practice, and creating research paradigms suitable for human beings. In addition, other non-human studies cannot be the purport of psychological research. On this basis, the author compares the theoretical propositions of meta cosmic cognition and enactive cognition, finds their similarities and differences, tries to explore the possibility of meta cosmic empowerment and generative cognition, and comments on them in combination with the Marxist concept of practice. Marxist philosophy not only has a strong dialectical logic and theoretical inclusiveness, but also has a more reasonable interpretation of human nature, which is more suitable for the healthy development of psychological theory. However, it should not comment on the meta universe prematurely, depending on its future development direction and recognition of its convenience and innovation for human life. Psychological theory should not only develop healthily, but also learn from the latest science and technology.
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