The “scavenger” who is valued? The impact of workplace status on creative deviance behavior |
WANG Biying1, LIU Kai1, SHU Xiajun2 |
1. School of Business, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022; 2. College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Jiangxi Institute of Applied Science and Technology, Nanchang 330100 |
Abstract Based on social exchange theory and resource preservation theory, this article used 450 employee sample data to test the promoting effect of psychological ownership and perceived career opportunities between the relationship of workplace status and creative deviance. The results showed that psychological ownership played a mediating role in the process of workplace status influencing creative deviance behavior; The more perceived career opportunities, the more significant the mediating effect of psychological ownership. The research results help prevent and guide creative deviance, help organizations do a good job in employee classification management, and improve organizational innovation performance.
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