Managing people work and task work: The interaction process and outcome in self-managing teams |
XU Linna1, ZHANG Zhixue2 |
1. Beihang University, Beijing 100191; 2. Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871 |
Abstract The current study suggested people work and task work are two important dimensions of team process in self-managing teams. We employed two studies to examine the effects of the two dimensions on team performance and team satisfaction. In Study 1, we conducted a study among 112 undergraduate students’ teams who conducting a project during a semester. We found both people work and task work were positively related to team performance, and task work mediated the relationship between people work and team performance. In Study 2, we conducted a simulation among 131 MBA students’ teams. Findings replicated the results in Study 1 and further suggested that people work and task work show effects on team satisfaction. This study sheds lights on effective teamwork modes in digital and AI era.
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