The influence of reciprocal filial piety on the academic performance of rural primary school students: The serial mediating roles of self-esteem and teacher-student relationship |
WEI Xinni, BAI Baoyu, ZHONG Nian |
Department of Psychology, School of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 |
Abstract To explore the relationship between filial piety and academic performance, and the mechanism underlying this relationship among rural primary students. The reciprocal filial piety subscale, self-esteem scale, teacher-student relationship questionnaire, and academic performance report were integrated into a survey. Participants were 559 primary students grade 4 to 6 living in rural areas of Hubei Province. Results showed that: (1) Reciprocal filial piety, self-esteem, teacher-student relationship, and academic performance were significantly and positively correlated with each other, and reciprocal filial piety positively predicted academic performance; (2) Self-esteem and teacher-student relationship, both independently and serially, mediated the association between reciprocal filial piety and academic performance. These results contribute to understanding how reciprocal filial piety affects the academic performance of primary school students under the dual filial piety model and provide new insights into the positive roles of filial piety and the improvement of the academic performance of rural primary school students.
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