The potential categories of narcissism and its double-edged sword effect on college students’ behavior |
KONG Huaxiu, GUO Bin, ZHANG Nan, XIONG Cheng, DING Guifeng |
Institute of Psychology and Behavior, School of Psychology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract To explore the latent classes of narcissism among college students and analyze the antecedents of the potential categories of narcissism and the double-edged sword effect on college students' behavior. A sample of 1042 college students was recruited to complete Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), Chinese College Students version of Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire (CC-BPAQ), and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-Student (UWES-S). We conducted multinomial logistic regression to analyze the relationship between demographic variables and the profiles of narcissism. Further, we used the BCH method to examine dual influences of different latent profiles of narcissism on the behavior. The results showed that: (1) Three latent classes were supported, including low narcissism (22.5%), moderate narcissism (50.9%), and high narcissism (26.6%). (2) The male and urban college students were more narcissistic than female and rural college students, respectively. (3) The effects of different profiles of narcissism on aggressive behavior and learning engagement were significant. The research results reveal that there are different potential types of narcissism among college students, and they have both positive and negative effects on their behavior.
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