The influence of cognitive style on the language accuracy of communicative learning |
ZHANG Hengchao |
Department of Psychology, School of Law, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134 |
Abstract Language is the core medium of communication. The process of language communication is a multi-modal cognitive process. One of the important factors is the personality characteristics of communicators. Based on this, the study established three cognitive style conditions, and used the communication paradigm to explore the influence of cognitive style on the language accuracy of communicative learning by creating communication learning task and individual task. The results showed that: 1) The language accuracy of field independent communicators was lower; With the development of the process of communication the use of nonverbal cues by communicators was deepening, and it led to a significant reduction in the level of language cognitive processing. The field independent communicators made the earliest use of nonverbal cues. 2) The language accuracy of field independent communicators was lower than that of field dependence, but there was no difference in the cognitive accuracy, and the accuracy of communication cognition was higher than that of language cognition. The results suggested that: Communication cognition is reflected in the interaction process of language cognition and nonverbal cognition; Field independent communicator has lower language cognitive level, but nonverbal cognitive level is higher.
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