The effect of parental psychological control on college students’ smartphone addiction |
HUANG Xia1,2, DING Fang2, ZUO Xiaoyang2, XUE Honglin2 |
1 Southeast University Chengxian College, Nanjing 210088; 2 Department of Psychology, School of Education, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123 |
Abstract In order to explore the relationship between parental psychological control, personal sense of power, subjective well-being, and smartphone addiction as well as their internal mechanism, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 1312 college students. The results showed as follows. (1) In addition to the significant positive correlation between parental psychological control and college students’ smartphone addiction, the others were significantly negative correlation in each pair; (2) Parental psychological control mainly affected college students’ smartphone addiction through the single mediating effect of personal sense of power and subjective well-being. Meanwhile, it also affected college students’ smartphone addiction through the chain mediating effect of personal sense of power and subjective well-being, but it played a “mask” effect on the overall effect.
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