The effect of haptic metaphor from different dimensions on individual judgment and interactive behavior and its mental mechanism |
LI Ying1,2, LI Xinyan3, ZHANG Can4, WANG Yue1 |
1 The School of Education, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001; 2 Henan Key Laboratory of Imaging and Intelligent Processing, Zhengzhou 450001; 3 Psychological Health Education Center, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou 451100; 4 The School of Economics and Management, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018 |
Abstract The haptic experience is part of human body experience. Embodied cognition theory assumes that physical experience participates in and influences cognition. This research discussed the metaphoric mapping relationship between haptic experience and abstract concepts and its impact on individual judgment and human interactive behavior from different dimensions including soft and hard, rough and smooth, and also temperature haptic. Based on that, the paper further discussed about the mental mechanism underlying it and the interaction among different haptic metaphors. It is possible for future researches to pay more attention on the role of emotion in haptic metaphors, to enrich research methods and experimental techniques, and to strengthen possible applications of haptic metaphor in different areas.
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