Formation of workplace status: Concept, theoretical basis and influencing factors |
WANG Biying1, LIU Kai2, ZHANG Lutao3 |
1 School of Business, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022; 2 Enrollment and Employment Office, Jingdezhen College, Jingdezhen 333032; 3 Department of Education, Jiangxi Hongzhou Vocational College, Yichun 331100 |
Abstract Workplace status is the coworkers' voluntarily collective beliefs concerning the degree of respect, prominence and prestige to the focal employee, which is mainly based on the subjective perception of instrumental value of the focal employee. Workplace status is a hot topic in the workplace and academic field. Based on literature review, the concept, measurement and theoretical basis of workplace status are summarized, and the formation of workplace status is discussed from cognitive factors, behavioral factors and situational factors. Future research needs to adopt multiple evaluation sources and longitudinal methods to explore the formation mechanism, development stage and dynamic changes of different groups' workplace status.
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