From extended cognition to extended feeling: Metaverse and post-humanist live |
ZHU Linfan1, YE Haosheng2 |
1 School of Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433; 2 School of Education, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006 |
Abstract The metaverse based on embodied internet technology not only changes our lives technically, but also challenges the definitions of cognition and intelligence in classical cognitive science. The human cognitive process is no longer just understood as intracranial neural computation, but is understood as an information interactive process between human and machines. This article attempts to rediscuss the definition and mechanism of extended cognition, and attempts to explain the contribution of cognitive science hypotheses from extended cognition to extended feeling to the cognitive theory under the framework of metaverse, and demonstrates the metaverse based on extended feeling (specifically embodied Internet) can become part of the cognitive process, influencing and impacting the understanding of cognition itself in classical cognitive science and philosophy. Ultimately, we will show that extended experience and the metaverse will help us move into a post-humanist state of existence.
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