Measurement and manipulation of socioeconomic status:Current situation and existing problems——based on psychological studies |
WANG Shuyan, LIU Qipeng, JIANG Wei |
College of Education, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei 235000 |
Abstract Recently, the problem of social stratification is prominent. The psychological and behavioral characteristics of the people in different socioeconomic status have become the frontier in the field of psychology. The measurement and manipulation of socioeconomic status is the premise and foundation of research. The measurement of socioeconomic status including objective socioeconomic status (SES) and subjective social status (SSS) measurements. In order to investigate the causal relationship between socioeconomic status and other variables, the subjective social status is usually manipulated. In the future research, we should pay attention to the different influences of subjective and objective social status on individuals, and choose more reasonable socioeconomic status indicators according to the specificity of national conditions and the research group.
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