The cues of learners' metacomprehension monitoring during multimedia learning |
HAN Tingting, YU Feng, CHEN Qiong, ZHAO Junfeng |
1 Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan 430205; 2 Department of Psychology, School of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079; 3 Institute of Psychology and Behavior, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract There were most controversy for the cues of metacomprehension monitoring. This study explored the cues of learners' metacomprehension monitoring by using three experiments. The results found that the multimedia superiority beliefs impact learner's metacomprehension monitoring during multimedia learning. Compared to the learners who accepted text-only presentations, the learners who accepted the multimedia presentations made higher metacomprehnsion judgment. Giving warning before could help the learner make metacomprehension judgment more effectively during multimedia learning. Compared to the learners who accepted text-only presentations, learners could get more metacomprehension monitoring characterization cues during multimedia learning. The result was meaningful for learners and teachers. If the learners used multimedia presentation, they should realize that the multimedia belief may mislead themself, and the teachers should label the key points in the teaching contents.
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