Relationship between socioeconomic status and university students' online shopping addiction: Role of materialism and gender |
FAN Liheng, WANG Yinling |
Institute of Psychology and Behavior, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract To explore the relationship between family socioeconomic status and university students' online shopping addiction, and the role of materialism and gender in it, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 635 university students in two comprehensive universities in Henan Province using a convenience sampling method and a self-administered questionnaire, the Materialistic Values Scale and the university Students' Online Shopping Addiction Questionnaire. The results found that: Objective family economic status and subjective family economic status were negatively related to materialism and online shopping addiction, and the effect of objective family economic status on university students' online shopping addiction was significant only in the two indirect paths of materialism and subjective family economic status--materialism. Differences in this path existed among university students of different genders, as shown by the fact that, in addition to the two common paths of objective family economic status--materialism--online shopping addiction and objective family economic status--subjective family economic status--materialism--online shopping addiction, compared with female students, male students also have the path of objective family economic status --subjective family economic status--online shopping addiction. This indicates that the influence of objective family economic status on university students' online shopping addiction can work through materialism and also through the chain process of subjective family economic status and materialism, and that male students with low family economic status from subjective perceptions are more likely to become addicted to online shopping than female students.
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