The effects of experience similarity and experience valence on cooperative behavior |
QI Fangzhu, ZHOU Yueyue, LI Qiaoling, WANG Minghui |
School of Psychology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract In this study, we conducted two experiments to investigate the effects of experience similarity and experience valence on cooperative behavior in public goods game. We also explored the mediating role of empathy. In experiment 1, participants were asked to recall and write down one’s own experiences to manipulate experience similarity and valence. In experiment 2, we asked participants to read others' letters to manipulate experience similarity and valence. The results were as follows: (1) similar experience was more beneficial to cooperative behavior than dissimilar experience; (2) The valence of experience affected people's cooperative behavior. Specifically, the level of cooperation was the highest under the condition of sad experience in experiment 1, and the level of cooperation was the lowest under the condition of sad experience in experiment 2. (3) Empathy did not mediate the relationship between experience similarity and cooperative behavior. The results show that the similarity of experience can promote people's cooperative behavior, which provides theoretical and practical reference for promoting cooperation between individuals in the future.
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