Cognitive processing and neural mechanisms in children with developmental coordination disorder |
WANG Enguo, JIA Huibin, WANG Zhen |
School of Psychology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract Developmental coordination disorder is a kind of special movement learning difficulty. Evidence has shown that the early development of fine motor skills and the cognitive development of the brain overlap in time and space. Cognitive and neural processing defects may be the underlying cause of developmental coordination disorders. To explore the cognitive processing and neural mechanism of developmental coordination disorder is helpful to understand the relationship between motor development and cognitive development in children. Based on the research of cognitive processing of developmental coordination disorder, this paper summarized the theoretical hypothesis and research progress of neural mechanism of cognitive processing defects of developmental coordination disorder. Future research should focus on the improvement of research methods, such as the uniform selection of subjects, the exclusion of low IQ and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In the aspect of neural mechanism, the difficulty of explanation caused by the single research method is changed. In terms of research content, it is necessary to integrate the research results of psychology, brain science and cognitive neuroscience, and further systematically explore the cognitive and neural mechanisms of developmental coordination disorder, so as to effectively reveal the internal relationship between children’s motor development and cognitive neural mechanism development.
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