The effect of experimenter presence on children’s learning |
ZHOU Dandan, GUO Yunfei, LI Yongxin |
School of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract This study aimed to explore the effect of experimenter presence on children’s learning. The subjects of this research were selected from grade one to grade six of primary school. The results showed that: (1) Experimenter presence did influence the children’s behavioral responses, encouraging children to sacrifice reaction time to ensure a higher accuracy of task. (2) The gender of experimenter was a crucial factor for the effect of experimenter presence on children's learning, which mainly embodied in the significant behavioral changes in children accompanied by female experimenter. These suggest that the presence of experimenter might encourage children to play “good subject” or “good student”. The influence of experimenter presence should be paid more attention in the future experimental research on children.
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