Vygotsky’s psychology methodology and its impact |
WANG Guangrong |
School of Management, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000 |
Abstract Vygotsky is an outstanding psychologist and educationalist in the early Soviet Union, the founder of the famous Social-Cultural-Historical School, and one of the most influential psychologists worldwide in the 20th century. In his short but brilliant life, he did a lot of fruitful theoretical and experimental research, proposed many concepts and theories with significant influence, and established the methodology system of cultural-historical theory based on Marxist philosophy, consisting of philosophical methodology, general scientific method, and specific research methods. In Vygotsky’s opinion, all analysis levels of methodology should closely cooperate to construct the whole edifice of psychological science methodology. This new methodology system, different from Western psychology, has brought a fresh wind of change to the transformation of traditional psychology, and has a profound impact on the development of psychological science in the world.
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