Effect of future work self salience on career planning of junior school students: The role of career optimism and career decision-making self-efficacy |
LI Yimin1, SONG Danrui2, CHAI Yali3 |
1. Institute of Psychology and Behavior, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004; 2. The Second Experimental Middle School of Luyi County, Zhoukou 477200; 3. School of Psychology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract Based on life span, life space theory and social investment model, the present study constructed a moderated mediation model to examine the effect of future work self salience on career planning. A total of 829 junior school students participated in this study. The results showed that:1) The future work self salience had a positive direct effect on junior school students' career planning; 2) The positive association between future work self salience and junior school students' career planning was mediated by career optimism; (3) The mediating effect of career optimism was moderated by career decision-making self-efficacy. The indirect effect was stronger for those with high career decision-making self-efficacy than for those with low career decision-making self-efficacy. However, the career decision-making self-efficacy can only play a moderating role in the direct path of the development dimension and the safeguard dimension of the career planning, but had no significant moderating role in the direct path of the reputation dimension.
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