The concept, measure and effects of dyadic emotional intelligence: A social exchange perspective |
ZHANG Huihua1, WANG Minghui2, LIANG Chunlan3 |
1. Department of Human Resource Management, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234; 2. School of Psychology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004; 3. School of Business, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620 |
Abstract Based on integrating ability model of emotional intelligence with social exchange theory, we defined dyadic emotional intelligence as the ability of the actor to exert adaptive influence on the target's emotions at the dyadic level and put forward a four-factor structural model of dyadic emotional intelligence (increase positive energy, decrease positive energy, increase negative energy, and decrease negative energy). In Study 1, items reflecting dyadic emotional intelligence were collected through open-ended questionnaires (n=51), and on this basis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using effective survey data from 30 teams to test the structural model of dyadic emotional intelligence. Furthermore, we developed and tested the reliability and validity of the dyadic emotional intelligence scale based on the structural model by using the above data. In Study 2, we further tested the structural model of dyadic emotional intelligence using the effective survey data from 25 project teams (102 participants), and examined the influence process of dyadic emotional intelligence on job performance from the perspective of social exchange. The results indicate that the four-factor structure model of dyadic emotional intelligence has been verified. The developed dyadic emotional intelligence scale has good reliability and validity. The dyadic emotional intelligence of the actor in the team not only directly but also indirectly affects his/her own work performance through the in-degree centrality of consulting network. The dyadic emotional intelligence proposed in this study provides a conceptual basis for in-depth exploration of the emotional intelligence phenomenon in a dyadic situation. The four-factor structure model of dyadic emotional intelligence and the development of corresponding scale enrich the theoretical system of emotional intelligence. Meanwhile, the effects of dyadic emotional intelligence on job performance and its process revealed by the research also expand our understanding of emotional intelligence functions.
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