The influence of reciprocal filial piety on the academic performance of rural primary school students: The serial mediating roles of self-esteem and teacher-student relationship
WEI Xinni, BAI Baoyu, ZHONG Nian
Department of Psychology, School of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072
魏心妮, 白宝玉, 钟年. 互惠性孝道对农村小学生学业成绩的影响:自尊和师生关系的链式中介作用[J]. 心理研究, 2022, 15(2): 185-192.
WEI Xinni, BAI Baoyu, ZHONG Nian. The influence of reciprocal filial piety on the academic performance of rural primary school students: The serial mediating roles of self-esteem and teacher-student relationship. Psychological Research, 2022, 15(2): 185-192.
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