The mechanism of the role of entrepreneurial adversity on entrepreneurial persistence based on an emotional perspective: A moderated mediation model |
GONG Lianghua1, YANG Jie2 |
1 School of Modern Economics and Management, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Gongqing City 332020; 2 School of Business, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004 |
Abstract To investigate the influential mechanism of entrepreneurial adversity on entrepreneurial persistence, based on the cognitive appraisal theory, 270 entrepreneurs across China were surveyed using the scales of entrepreneurial adversity, entrepreneurial persistence, positive affects, negative affects and entrepreneurial resilience. It was found that: (1)Entrepreneurial adversity did not necessarily weaken the tendency to entrepreneurial persistence; (2)Entrepreneurial adversity negatively affected entrepreneurs' positive affects and thus their behavioral tendency to persist in entrepreneurship; (3)Entrepreneurial resilience not only significantly moderated the negative relationship between negative affects and entrepreneurial persistence, but also moderated the mediating effect of negative affects on entrepreneurial adversity and entrepreneurial persistence. This study contributes to the understanding of the mechanism of entrepreneurial adversity on entrepreneurial persistence from an emotional perspective, and can provide inspirations for promoting entrepreneurial persistence behavior and improving the success rate of entrepreneurship.
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