The influence of help-seeking stigma, ethical concern of online counseling and online interpersonal trust on college students' online counseling attitudes |
DU Anzheng, WANG Yao |
Faculty of Education, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract The aim of present study was to explore the effects of help-seeking stigma on college students' willingness of online counseling, and to explore the simple or chain mediating effects of Ethical concern of online counseling and online interpersonal trust. 556 college students from two universities in Henan were surveyed by using Online Counseling Attitudes Scales, Self Stigma of Seeking Help scale Ethical Concern Questionnaire of Online Counseling, and Online Interpersonal Trust Questionnaire. The analysis results of correlation, regression and structural equation model showed that the help-seeking stigma had a significantly negative prediction on the willingness of online counseling. Ethical concern of online counseling and online interpersonal trust respectively have negatively or positively predictive effects on Online Counseling Attitudes. Ethical concern of online counseling and online interpersonal trust have a simple and chain mediating role between the two. Therefore, to reduce the stigma of seeking-help, improve the ethical norms of online counseling and enhance the online interpersonal trust were conducive to college students positively evaluating and receiving Online counseling.
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