The influence and mechanism of text features on the metacomprehension monitoring accuracy |
JIA Ruihong, YAO Bei, WEI Jie, YUAN Li, GU Yaxin, MA Xiaofeng |
School of Psychology, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070; Key Laboratory of Behavioral and Mental Health of Gansu Province |
Abstract Accurate metacomprehension monitoring is a prerequisite for successful self-regulated learning. Existing studies have shown that the accuracy of individual metacomprehension monitoring is generally low and text features are important influencing factors, including text difficulty, text genre, text presentation mode and so on. Based on the review of existing researches, the influence of text features on the metacomprehension monitoring accuracy and its internal mechanism is discussed, and pointed out future research directions in this field. For example, the moderation of text difficulty on text features and the metacomprehension monitoring accuracy, the interaction between text features and learner features and use uniform standards to measure individual’s metaconcomprehension monitoring accuracy.
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