The characteristics, influencing factors and mechanism of online processing of metaphorical sentences |
LI Xiaoping1,2, GE Minggui2 |
1 School of Liberal Arts, Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000; 2 School of Educational Science, Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000 |
Abstract Following the upsurge in the study of conceptual metaphor, the linguistic level of metaphor, particularly the level of metaphorical sentences, has regained significant attention. By reviewing the core research and the latest literature in this field, several fundamental judgments can be made. (1) Regarding the online processing characteristics of metaphorical sentences: The generation of literal and metaphorical meanings proceeds in a parallel manner, yet the cognitive resources required differ; Whether there is a priority order in the processing of the tenor and the vehicle remains to be explored more deeply, and the existing results are closely related to the testing purposes; Metaphorical sentences exhibit non-contextual irreversibility, but they show symmetry in the early processing stage. (2) In terms of the influencing factors of the online processing of metaphorical sentences: The impact of semantics can mostly be attributed to the domains of aptness and familiarity, and the processing time shortens as these two indicators increase, but there are also other significant influencing dimensions such as etymology and evocative metaphor; Cognitive resources like working memory affect the online processing of metaphorical sentences. (3) Concerning the mechanisms of the online processing of metaphorical sentences: The two major theories centered on the analogy mechanism and the attribution mechanism, as well as their reconciliation theory, can explain the current main findings. However, they are limited to exploring the mechanisms from the interaction of the internal components of metaphorical sentences and have not been verified in various forms of metaphorical sentences in Chinese. (4) Based on the high similarity between the characteristics of the “shu属” metaphorical sentences in Chinese and the sentences expressing the semantics of zodiac signs, and the empirical evidence supporting the construct transfer, it can be hypothesized that the construct transfer mechanism might at least be the processing mechanism of some metaphorical sentences.
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