Models and strategies for numerical line estimation:Similarity and separation of bounded and unbounded |
LI Min1,2, SUN Xiaohui1, LI Wenjie1, LI Mengxia1 |
1 School of Teacher Education, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000; 2 Huzhou Aishan Primany School, Huzhou 313000 |
Abstract As the unbounded number line estimation task was proposed by Cohen in 2011, more and more studies have shown that this task overcomes the limitations of the traditional bounded number line estimation task, and it is able to reflect a purer quantitative representation. However, the similarities and differences between the model and strategy of unbounded number line estimation and bounded number line estimation are yet to be scrutinized. This article respectively sorts out the number representation models and estimation strategies in the bounded and unbounded number line estimation tasks and analyzes the similarities and differences of the number line representation models as well as the development and transformation of estimation strategies in the two tasks, and further, speculates on the relationship between the estimation strategy and the representation model, in order to provide a reference for the related research of number cognition and number line representation.
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