Characteristics of social autobiographical memory in high social anxiety individuals as bystander |
GONG Huoliang, WANG Hongbo, WANG Yao |
School of Psychology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004 |
Abstract Two experiments were adopted to explore the characteristics of social autobiographical memory in high social anxiety individuals as bystander. Experiment 1 aimed to explore the number characteristics of autobiographical memory by 2×2 design, and experiment 2 aimed to explore the specify characteristics of autobiographical memory by 2×2 design. Results showed that: (1) Compared with normal group, social anxiety group had more negative social autobiographical memory and less positive social autobiographical memory. (2) Compared with normal group, the social autobiographical memory specify degree of social anxiety group was lower. Therefore, high social anxiety individuals have negative bias on social autobiographical memory as a bystander, the number of negative social autobiographical memory is more and the specify degree of social autobiographical memory is lower.
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